Tawangmangu is a name of the area at the foot of Mount Lawu. Of course the air in this place is fresh and cool air temperatures, especially at night. Beautiful panorama with rolling hills and fields of farmers who gave the green color is cool. An ideal place for us to unwind and refreshing.Tawangmangu Karanganyar or district is located about 36 KM east of Solo.Tawangmangu easy reach of the city of Solo. There are public buses every 30 minutes are almost ready to take you from the terminal Tirtonadi Solo. Along the way to the Tawangmangu we will see the beautiful scenery on either side. The more deket to kawasn the jalananya more climbing and winding like Bogor summit. and colder air typical of mountainous regions.Since long it Tawangmangu area has become one of the favorite tourist destination for many tourists. Mainly domestic tourists. Beautiful nature and fresh air are always interesting people to visit the tourist attractions that are still inhabited by wild monkeys.Any tips so that visitors are not disturbed by wild monkeys. dalah not one of them carrying luggage such as bags or food or when you pass around them. The monkeys will be close to you. And when you off guard they will seize it and brought the run to the trees.Advised to embrace the luggage like a bag in the chest.There are several places to stop off when we traveled to the area that many of these wild monkeys. These places include:First Grojogan Sewu. Sewu waterfall can be regarded as one of the tour in Tawangmangu aikon this. This place is suitable for family tourism. While enjoying the natural beauty of the location of our bias to rest while eating a meal or chicken satay skewers with the family rabbit. There is also a pool for those who want bererang, of course, the water is colder than a swimming pool in the city.Both Pine Sewu. Sewu fir is the major tourist attractions on the slopes Lawu also beautiful and interesting place to visit.The third summit of Mount Lawu. Lawu it challenging to climb. Track mountaineering Lawu clear so that makes it easy for climbers to reach the top. And most preferred is the beauty of the natural Pecina Lawu peak. From the summit we could see the lake saraqngan and other gung cluster in eastern Java.Camping ground, For those who like camping, in Tawangmangu also have a good camping spot.Here there is also a traditional market where we bought fruit, fresh vegetables and souvenirs.Sources: kotasolo.infoNew Solo Pandavas Water World
A world-class attractions soon be inaugurated in New Solo Zone, Sukoharjo. Attraction Pandavas named Water World (PWW) is located just 1 kilometer south of the city of Solo. When from Jl Tanjung Anom, Solo toward the south, within a few minutes, visitors will arrive at the siteInvestment to build the PWW is unsparing. Cost about Rp 50 billion. "Dana does not include the price of the land area of ​​2.7 hectares," said Commissioner of PT Pondok Solo Permai, Kunto Harjono.Coupled with its expansion plan, the funds will be disbursed twice. World's water park is not a regular pool, but swimming pool with a variety of games, the more adventurous.Attraction of visitors is expected to not only domestic tourists but also foreign tourists.Entering the attraction, visitors are immediately looking at the world in a giant puppet.Five Pandava statue built to beautify the landscape is made in large sizes. Krishna seems fine as high as 37 meters decorate an artificial cave beneath a pond surrounded by a puddle of water.On his right, Satria Pringgodani Raden Gatotkaca in a position to fly as if dropped from the sky. In front Gatotkaca, aka Bima Sena holding mace Rujakpolo standby as if facing an enemy.Not far from the Bhima, the Arjuna with a soft face, but always alert, ready to release an arrow from his bow.Modern-TraditionalYes, as the name implies, the Pandavas Water World, Five Pandavas enshrined there.See the decoration in the swimming pool, there is a mix of modern and traditional elements. An element of culture without leaving the building. Visitors do not just play in the water world, but to an appreciation of the world of puppetry.PWW is scheduled soft opening December 18, surving boogie among other amenities, like a wave that made waves in the ocean. Here visitors can do the surfing while sleeping. "It's the only one in Indonesia," said Managing Director Rejo Makmur Megah Engineering Semarang, John Lukman Lukito, designers and contractors on the project.Also there is the so-called lazy river. These leisure facilities, as if visitors were on a river about 500 meters in length. There is also a water slide. Here, visitors can have fun, skate in the tub snaking along the 137 meters.There's more so-called black holes. Which is a game of water in the pipes of the winding, then ends with a plunge in the pool.For those who like the challenge of plunging from a height, provided or tower Tower Bungy jump. Of the 47 meter high tower is those who love the challenge of jumping off high places, could feel the pleasure.Why this attraction featuring puppet characters? "So that young children are not forgotten with its own culture. So they love the puppets, not love spiderman or superman, "said John.(Source Beacon News, December 14, 2007)The tomb complex of Astana Giri Bangun
The health condition of former President Suharto, who still remains a critical concern of many people. Build Astana Giri, who prepared the tomb complex of the Soeharto family cemetery, also received attention. Here is the tomb of Astana Giri Bangun contained in Suara Merdeka 14/1/2007.Giribangun Astana grave complex on the western slopes of Mount Lawu, precisely in the Village Karangbangun, Matesih, Karanganyar very grand and spacious. Tomb on a hill that was built just below Mangadeg Astana, the cemetery authorities Pura Mangkunegaran Surakarta. If Astana Mangadeg at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level (asl), Giribangun at 666 meters above sea level. Not without a reason why a second location adjacent to the tomb complex, considering that Mrs. Tien Soeharto claimed descent Mangkunegoro III."There is a street or alley that connects through a second complex called Giribangun fact devoted to the family tomb Mangkunegaran the tomb. Corridor may only pass certain people and certain days as well, "said one worker's tomb.Despite the tomb complex was built starting in 1974, newly inaugurated its use in 1976.The inauguration was marked by the removal of ashes Soemaharjomo (Tien Soeharto's father) and Siti Hartini Oudang (Ibu Tien's eldest brother).Giribangun Astana tomb complex consists of three parts. Namely Argosari Dome, Dome Argokembang, and Dome Argotuwuh. Argosari Dome area of ​​81 square meters is the main building and was in the middle of the room. The building houses protected form joglo cupola roofed with shingle walls of carved wood.In that space is planned only for the tomb of the five bodies. For the current position, Mrs. Tien Suharto's tomb is located at the east. There is a spot right next to "reserve", the sequel is for Pak Harto, when it died. In the middle there is the tomb Soemarharjomo couple (father and mother Tien) and the west is the tomb of Siti Hartinah. "The place for Pak Harto has been riddled with size. For a while the place was closed reserve land.Later if you want to use, the land was raised to live again, "said Sukirno.In the Dome Argosari also contained an area of ​​243 square meters overhang. Overhang is planned for the tomb of 12 loss. The plan for the children and the law of Suharto. In addition to the overhang, there is also the cupola hall covering an area of ​​405 square meters. The hall was there for 48 body areas. This corridor to the tomb of advisors, trustees and members of the board daily Mangadeg Foundation which manages the cemetery.Next is Argokembang Dome. Dome is located on the outside of the main site area of ​​567 square meters it is a place for 116 bodies.At that location for the tombs of the plenary and section of the Foundation board Mangadeg large family or other Mangkunegaran credited to the foundation and apply to be buried in that place.Last is the Dome Argotuwuh. The location is the outer and the extent of 729 square meters.In Argotuwuh is a place for 156 bodies. "Just like in Argokembang, in Argotuwuh according to the plans are buried Mangadeg Foundation officials or other family Mangkunegaran apply."In addition to the building for the funeral, there are also nine other support buildings.Among these are the mosques, houses a resting place for the Suharto family if the pilgrimage, pilgrims bathroom to main, water tank, the main gate, two dugout or a resting place for tourists, guard house and a special parking place for a family car. At the bottom, there is a very spacious parking space.Astana Giribangun main door is on the north side. While the south side adjacent to the gap that flows beneath Kali Samin.Tawangmangu rivers that disgorge from the winding and beautiful to look at from the tomb complex."Complex Astana Astana Giribangun Mangadeg and not just for pilgrimage tours, but also for nature tourism," said the Head of Tourism Karanganyar, IA Joko SSources: kotasolo.infoFairs Ngarsapuran

Post Revitalsiasi area who are on the road Ngarsapuran Diponegoro Solo diiproyeksikan be a night market. with its strategic location, between Jalan Jalan Slamet Riyadi and Ronggo Warsito, Ngarsapuran night market is expected to be a new icon wiasta river town. This fair value is close to the antique market of tiger Jenar, electronic markets and temples Mangkunegaran. According to plans the night market is open from 17:00 to 22:00 o'clock will be occupied by 344 merchant 86 housed within the tent. One tent contains four traders. However, for this newly established 70 tent with 280 people the number of traders. (Independent votes)Gladag Langen Bogan (GALABO)
Solo Mayor Joko Widodo Gladag Langen Bogan Solo inaugurated on Sunday (13/4) evening. Gladag Langen Bogan is a night hawker centers (culinary night) located on Jalan Mayor Sunaryo or south side of the fort

Wildlife Parks Taru Jurug

One of the most popular attractions in Solo is Taru Jurug Animal Park (TSTJ). TSTJ located in the eastern city of Solo, precisely at the west edge of the Solo River. What is interesting about this TSTJ? Let us look at the park that will be this local enterprise.In TSTJ have the former zoo zoo collection Sriwedari bon king. Due to developments and changes in urban gardener Sriwedari the animals in the park was moved to the park this Jurug. Among these are the animals that dipindh elephant named Kiai Anggoro.In addition there is an early children's playground or a kids play ground. IN this playground of the visitors who come with their children can ride an elephant or just playing swing and others.In the middle of this park there is a lake where visitors can wade in the existing boat riding. Or you can also fish in this lake.Entertainment events are regularly held the manager is campursari and dangdut music.The annual event is yag a mainstay TSTJ Grebeg Shawwal which float great condition with events that describe the journey Tingkir Jaka Jaka Tingkir Bengawa the River Solo.TSTJ open every day from seven o'clock in the morning sampi to 5 pm. TSTJ price of admission to class: Children Rp. 3000, - for a normal day. holiday air fares rose to Rp.4000, -. For adult classes Ticket price: Rp. 6000, - for weekdays and Rp. 7000, - on holidays.TSTJ this plan can be viewed at / map / Peta_Jurug.swfIn the northern part Jurug Park, the former moto cross racing. In antiquity the origin of Bandung, Popo Hartopo, very popular in the city of Solo as they often prevail in the palm racing moto cross.Jurug park was first administered in 1975 dididirkan and managed by PT. Bengawan Permai. but due to cost and management professionals who are not so very poor condition of this park. Until the end of Solo city administration took over the management of public enterprises and anakn make sebagau shaped PT.kotasolo.infoRadya Museum Library
In the city of Solo, there is a historical and cultural museum called Museum Radya Library. Radya Museum Library is the oldest museum in Indonesia that was established during the reign of Pakubuwono IX, exactly on 28 October 1890 by the Duke of Raden Kanjeng Sosrodiningrat IV. Raden is the duke of Duke Sosrodidingrat IV Pakubuwono IX and X. PakubuwonoAt that time the museum was in the palace complex kepatihan. To further facilitate access by more people on the 1st of January 1913 the season was moved to its present location is at the House Museum Radya Library (Sriwedari Park complex) way Slamet Riyadi. The building was formerly the residence Buseelar Johannes, a Dutch citizen.Radya Museum Library is managed by the Foundation Paheman Radyapustaka Surakarta and formed in 1951. The first presidium was formed in 1966 and known by Go Tik Swan or also known as KRT Hardjonagorokotasolo.infoMosque and Tomb of Ki Ageng Laweyan Henis

Laweyan Mosque is the oldest mosque in Laweyan, which dididikan in 1546 AD. Given bedirinya year, this mosque was built before Jake Tingkir or Sultan Sultan Pajang Hadiwijaya be between the years 1568-1582.

The mosque was built by Ki Ageng Lawayan Henis. Henis Ageng Ki Ki Ageng is the Son of Sela the descendants of King UB still means that there are descendants of the kings of Majapahit. Ki Ageng Henis kemduian is what lowers the kings of Mataram dynasty of Islam.Laweyan mosque was once a land of Ki Ageng Inside the studio. Ki Ageng Inside was a pupil of Ki Ageng Henis who converted to Islam. So no wonder if the location is called Kampung Masjid Belukan. Another version states that the village was named belukan because this village used to be like a boarding school where there are always activities to eat rice so that the students always come out the smoke from the kitchen and the boarding of this region as it is called Kampung Belukan (outs = smoke).Behind the mosque there is a royal tomb complex relative shelf, kartosura and Surakarta.The gate of the tomb was built during the Sunan Pakubuwono didigunakan X and for the pilgrimage to the tomb and only used one time only for one year after the visit he died.Some people are buried at the site include:Kyai Ageng HenisPakubuwono IIPakubuwono Empress VPrince Widjil I Kadilangu (poet Kraton Surakarta)Nyai Ageng StarchNyai PandanaranPrabuwinoto youngest of Pakubuwono IX.Kyai Ageng ProboyeksoKi Ageng InsideIn this cemetery there are rare plants Nagasari trees older than 500 years is a manifestation of the dragon guarding the tomb of the most superior. In addition to the gates of the tomb there is symbolism Betari protection of Durga. Pakubuwono renovated tomb by X together with the renovation of the palace Kasunanan. Such a building is removed from the hall Kartasura moving palace.Fort Vastenberg

Majestic fortress in the middle of this Bengawan City, now living seongok worthless buildings and overgrown with a thick thatch grass. In the context of urban morphology, the fort has an important role relationship that is central Solo-Semarang. Solo in the XVIII-XIX period, as a center of commerce and the marked development of the colonial city.Interestingly, this development is created in shades of power tradisionalistik Kasunanan Surakarta Kingdom. Remnants of artifacts that became evidence of urban symbols can still be found around the castle, among them the Church of St Anthony, the former Bank Javasche buildings, post offices, home resident, the highway axis straight-Semarang Solo, European settlement, and Societet Harmony.Typology of the colonial city of identical suspected the existence of a fort. Netherlands make up the city since the era of the Kingdom of Kartasura. At that time, the king's affairs in indigenous territories come to the attention of the Netherlands, for example, security, commerce, housing, urban planning and policy (stelsel). In the north of the fort, long ago used as a hangout merchant ships from all directions.Form of control, enabling the Dutch fort was to control the activity of native and non-indigenous people (Arabic, Chinese, and Europeans). Restrictions on mixing or interaction of various population groups in the Netherlands Solo become a vital issue. De Graaf in a note, written before the fort that stood Vastenberg, existing fortress becomes a means of surveillance and military places, namely Fort Grodenmodenheit. Evidently, some three years ago was found by digging a long-barreled cannon pipe near Telkom.Resident of the Netherlands based on the fort, under the command of General of the Dutch in Semarang Gebernur. Establishment of an east-west axis is the face of the Solo-Semarang highway. Inevitably, all problems in Solo quickly sounded in the ears Gebernur General in Semarang. For example, Chinatown commotion XVIII century, which caused the Chinese people rages that can be resolved finally and chased up to East Java. This is nothing but thanks to the supervision of the fort.Mapping or colonial design is quite obvious in the City Bengawan despite the strong influence of symbolism praja Javanese kingdom of Java. As proof, the railway transport infrastructure majors Wonogiri-Solo, south of the fort, capable of cutting the Javanese concept of diocesan spiritual outlook on Performance king of the north towards the monument Pemandengan straight.When we listen to historical values ​​Vastenberg Citadel, did not seem willing to see the fort was fragile and broken. Let's look into taking the fort, which we found was a busy dozen goats eat grass. It's ironic, just a castle in Solo are eroded extinction caused by the hands of ignorant, but some relics of the colonial Dutch fort in other cities has become a tourism asset and museums.(The source of the compass, Tuesday, December 5, 2006)


Sangiran is a place or site of the primeval man. In 1936 paleoanthropologist named Dr.Von Koenigswald found a complete collection of ancient fossils in the Sangiran mansuia this. The fossil was estimated to be 1.5 million years old.In addition to these early human fossils, also found equipment used at the time of early humans such as stone axes and others. Later also discovered fossils of ancient animals.According to research Sangiran was originally a hill known as the "Sangiran Dome". The dome was then eroded at the top to form a depression. In the depression that is, unfold the layers of natural soil. From here the experts get a very complete information about past lifeSince 1977 the Government has set Sangiran as a cultural heritage area through the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 070/0/1977, dated March 5, 1977.Unesco World Heritage Committee also set a world heritage Sangiran as an area or World Heritage No. 593The total area of ​​sites that have got international recognition of this, approximately 56 km2 which includes three districts in Sragen, the District Kalijambe, Gemolong and Plupuh and District Gondangrejo, Karanganyar District.Here too there is a DI Archaeological Museum Sangiran. The museum has approximately 13 086 fossils on display but only the 2931, another 10 875 still remaining in storage. To see the collection of this we only need to pay Rp 1500, cheap right.Sangiran is located in Sragen district, within easy reach of the city of Solo. Only approximately 17 KM north or majors

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